About Me

as-with hand

I am a free lance Journalist, film maker and Cross Culture Lecturer Leading Cross Culture Institute : Serve Training for Overseas and Domestic trainees on Cross Cultural Programs.

I have been doing the above mentioned issues for Long years experiences and have put me in the top rank of the subjects

26 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I proud of you. I hope your blogs can “open eyes” for everybody especially for Indonesian Goverment.
    Good Luck!

  2. Dear Mr. Ali, saya ingin bertanya mengenai artikel bapak ke Suku Korowai di Papua. adakah nomor telepon kerabat bapak yang dapat saya hubungi agar dapat ke sana?

    terima kasih.

  3. Dear Mr. Ali, saya ingin bertanya mengenai artikel bapak ke Suku Korowai di Papua. adakah nomor telepon kerabat bapak yang dapat saya hubungi agar dapat ke sana?

    terima kasih, Mr. Ali.

  4. Dear Pak.Ali Syarief


    I am Abdollah Dehnad enjoying around five years experience of living in Indonesia (bahasa indonesia bisa juga!). To me it is really interesting to find poeple with charactristics ,motives,beliefes. goals and dreams this much close to each other !
    i have strong sympathy to Indonesia 7 my latest trip there ,happend April 2011 joining a famtour hosted by Kemlu & Kem..Pariwisata dan kebudayaan.we visited Jkt,Tanah Toraja ,Makassar, pare pare & bmany othewr places ..& it made one of the best trips of my whole life.
    i have been in many other countries but i feel some kind of strong motive inside me to come back to indonesia ,to explore the many more new places to see ,mingling again with locals &shooting documentary films about poeple life &their concerns all around this strange country .

    I really do not know the real reason for such a solid motive …probably my ancesters had been somehow associated or connected to Indonesia.. .

    Any way . have some amatuer shooting experiences many years ago but currently i am learning hard about most advanced digital cameras .. .I am actually waiting for another invitation for coming April to come over & do something to lead me closer to my dreams .I feel it is the time my dreams come true!
    I have been living with them for many years.
    I have also thinking about a featur film based on a real love story happend with an Iranian Photographer & an Indonesian girl …..

    Please let me talk further about my concerns &plans upon recieving your comments.

    Thanks for your blog &for your efforts.

    Abdollah Dehnad

    Tehran -Iran


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