Another Story of Suharto

Javanese believe ancient mysticism shielding ex-dictator Suharto from death

JAKARTA(AP): As a young soldier, former Indonesian president Suharto was visited by powerful Javanese shamen who bequeathed him mystical charms to shield him from bullets and make him invisible during battle.

Suharto is now 86 and has been languishing in a Jakarta hospital for weeks. But magical pins and metal – some said to be embedded in his body – are keeping the one-time strongman from passing to another world, according to popular Indonesian legend.

Doctors said Thursday his condition was improving after briefly deteriorating the day before. Fluid and infection in his lungs were reduced overnight and Suharto was able to whisper and take a few bites of food.

The 40-member presidential medical team struggling to stem Suharto’s sepsis, pneumonia, failing kidneys, lungs and heart ascribe his resilience to tough army training and physical strength.

On the streets, however, theories about his spiritual powers prevail.

Indonesia’s 235 million people are predominantly Muslim, but their faith is a complex mix of Hinduism, Buddhism and local animist traditions. The old Javanese ways touch on many aspects of daily life and Suharto, though he performed the pilgrimage to Mecca, was said to be a strong believer in local mojo.

“There are many strange objects in his body. They are making it difficult for Suharto to die,” said Permadi, a member of parliament and well-known mystic. “The doctors know about this. They can see them in the X-rays. Inside the body of Suharto there are many strange objects.”

Like Suharto and many Indonesians, Permadi only goes by one name.

Dr. Christian Johannes, who is treating Suharto at the Pertamina Hospital, scoffs at such suggestions. “We are dealing with Suharto’s through medical science,” she said.

Suharto, vilified by critics as one of the most brutal and corrupt autocrats of the 20th century, has been in critical condition for nearly three weeks after suffering multiple organ failure. His heart briefly stopped beating last week and doctors said he had been close to death.

The smallest twists and turns of his health have been followed by the national media, with specialists claiming one day he was in grave danger, then saying he was staging a “remarkable recovery” the next.

Psychics appear on television broadcasts with insights into when the self-appointed five-star general will die. Their predictions range from a few months to four years.

Ki Joko Bodo, a physic with his own show on Indonesian TV, said, “Suharto’s spirit will live until he is 90 years old, but physically he has been broken by his illness.”

Suharto is rumored to keep a collection of talisman and other enchanted artifacts in a special chamber of his downtown Jakarta villa, but it remains a mystery how actively he practiced mysticism.

Indonesian spiritual philosophy, or Kejawen, stems back more than 1,000 years to before the arrival of Islam. It is not an official religion with scriptures or prophets, but a belief that life is a metaphysical journey guided by supernatural powers.

Historians say Suharto oversaw the extermination of up to 800,000 communists in his rise to power from 1965-1968 and led military operations that killed another 300,000 Indonesians during his 32 years in office.

Yet he has been visited by a steady stream of political leaders who have called on the Indonesian people – and the attorneys suing him for allegedly bilking the state of hundreds of millions of dollars – to forgive him, another Javanese tradition of helping the sick pass more easily to death.

Before Suharto’s soul can be released, his six children, who became fabulously wealthy during his reign, must get an apology from the victims of his reign, said Permadi. “But they are too arrogant to ask for an apology and say they have done nothing wrong,” he added.

Many Indonesians believe Suharto was able to rule for so long because he drew power from sacred daggers and masks, known in the Javanese language as “pusaka.” His inspiration is said to have come from consultations with spirits during meditation sessions at holy sites and his family’s hilltop mausoleum, where he will be buried.

“I went there to the slope of Mount Lawu with Suharto,” said Kasiman, a 74-year-old soup vendor who lives near the cemetery outside the city of Solo on the main island of Java. Long before he became president, Kasiman said, Suharto would “sit silently for days at the same spot” awaiting divine guidance.

Permadi, the mystic politician, believes the former leader’s soul will be released when he has been forgiven for his sins on earth, or when doctors decide to unplug “the machines that cling to Suharto’s body.” (***)


A Strange Man


Before and After Surgery

Dede Bukan Lagi “Manusia Akar”

JULUKAN manusia akar mungkin sudah tidak pas lagi ditujukan untuk Dede (38) warga Kampung Bunder RT01 RW06 Desa Tanjung, Kecamatan Cihampelas, Kabupaten Bandung. Kutil yang bertahun-tahun tumbuh di tubuhnya hingga kedua tangan dan kakinya menyerupai akar pohon kini “lenyap” sudah. Tidak ada lagi, kutil panjang yang memberatkan kakinya saat melangkah. Kini Dede sudah tampil hamper sama dengan orang normal lainnya.

Setelah 9 bulan menjalani perawatan di RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung, serta menjalani 8 kali operasi dan satu kali proses biopsy, Dede akhirnya diperkenankan pulang oleh tim dokter , Senin (25/8). Ditemani beberapa kerabatnya, Dede meninggalkan ruang RBB RSHS dengan senyum malu-malu.

Mengenakan kemeja lengan pendek bergaris warna cokelat dan dipadu celana panjang hitam, Dede tampak tampil sangat jauh berbeda dibanding pertama kali dating di RSHS. Ditambah kacamata yang menempel di wajahnya, Dede semakin terlihat lebih “rapih”. Bukan hanya wartawan yang “pangling”, tapi sejumlah pengunjung yang mengikuti berita Dede di media juga seakan tidak percaya dengan tampilan Dede yang baru. Bahkan seorang wartawan dengan celetukannya meneriakan, “Dede jadi mirip AA Gym euy,” cetusnya.

Sembilan bulan lalu, Dede masih berambut panjang tak terurus dan tubuh kurus. Kutil banyak menempel di wajah serta kepalanya serta kutil memanjang yang memenuhi tangan dan kakinya. Saat itu orang yang melihat tentu bukan hanya iba, tapi ada perasaan “jijik”. Namun itulah kenyataan yang dihadapi ayah dua anak ini. Bertahun-tahun ia hidup dengan kutil yang tumbuh liar di tubuhnya, hingga ia harus kehilangan hari-harinya termasuk istrinya yang menggugat cerai karena tak tahan dengan kondisinya.

Hari-hari Dede sempat dilalui dengan kegiatan yang tak menyenangkan mulai dari mengemis di depan Gedung Asia Afrika hingga harus menjadi tontonan warga saat tampil di acara “manusia-manusia ajaib” di Dezon, alun-alun Bandung. Namun kegiatan terakhir itulah yang membawa perubahan pada nasib lelaki berkulit hitam ini.

Di acara tersebut, seorang professor dari Amerika , Anthony Gaspari menemuinya dan tertarik untuk mengetahui penyakit yang dideritanya. Sejak itu, Dede tampil disebuah stasiun televise asing hingga tersebar di media nasional dan lokal. Efeknya tentu disatu sisi membawa keuntungan. Menkes RI Siti Fadilah Supari langsung meminta Dinkes Jabar untuk segera menangani Dede di RSHS. Tepat 23 November 2007, Dede dijemput di rumahnya dan di rawat di RSHS hingga sembuh.

“Alhamdulilah, sekarang saya sudah bisa pulang. Rasanya senang, karena bisa kumpul lagi dengan keluarga,” kata Dede saat ditanya perasaanya, ketika jumpa pers dengan wartawan di ruang rapat Ilmu Penyakit Dalam RSHS, Senin (25/8).

Ia mengaku setelah ini, akan bertemu lagi dengan tetangga dan teman-temannya. Ia sudah sangat ingin kumpul dan ngobrol bareng tetangganya di rumahnya yang berada di dekat hamparan sawah tersebut. Untuk rasa syukurnya, Dede juga berniat mengadakan acara syukuran. “Kalau itu keluarga emang sudah niat. Mungkin syukuran biasa saja paling motong kambing,” ujarnya.

Ditanya kondisinya setelah “kutil-kutil” lenyap dari tubuhnya, lelaki yang berta tubuhnya naik setelah perawatan ini mengaku lebih “enteng” saat berjalan dan beraktivitas. Ia mengaku bisa melakukan kembali kegiatan-kegiatan yang sebelumnya sulit dilakukan. Ia pun mencontohkan dengan menulis di secarik kertas dengan tangannya. Di kertas tersebut, Dede menuliskan kata-kata terima kasih untuk Ibu Any Yudhoyono, Menkes serta Dirut RSHS.

Saat seorang wartawan bertanya apakah Dede akan menikah lagi? Lelaki yang berniat ingin bertani ini hanya tersenyum dan menggeleng. “Ngga, saya ngga akan nikah lagi,” ujarnya sambil menundukan wajah.

Sementara itu, menurut Ketua Tim Penanganan Dede, dr Rachmat Dinata, secara medis kondisi Dede sudah jauh membaik. Penyakit TBC nya juga sudah sembuh, dan berat tubuhnya sudah bagus, Dan yang terpenting juga, kutil-kutil yang tumbuh di tubuh Dede sudah 90 persen berhasil dibuang oleh tim dokter.

““Seperti yang pernah kami sampaikan. Dede tidak mungkin 100 persen sembuh. Kami hanya memberikan obat untuk menekan virus yang mengakibatkan pertumbuhan kutil di tubuhnya. Diharapkan obat cidovovir dari Amerika ini bisa menahan virusnya ini,” kata Rachmat, usai mendampingi Dede.

Rachmat mengatakan, masih tersisa sedikti kutil terutama di bagian tangannya. Namun sisanya ini adalah lapisan tanduk yang memang sudah sulit untuk dilepaskan karena sudah menyatu dengan kulitnya. Meski begitu, dokter memberikan obat salep salisilat 40 persen untuk membantu menipiskan lapisan kulit yang tebal-tebal tersebut.

Ia juga mengatakan, Dede masih tetap menjalani rawat jalan. Untuk ke depan hanya dijadwalkan satu minggu sekali, tapi setelah itu cukup sebulan sekali. Dan bila tidak ada halangan, Dede juga akan menjalani operasi kecil di tangannya usai lebaran nanti. “Kita akan tetap pantau, dan evaluasi dari rawat jalan ini, Semoga, kondisi Dede tetap sehat dan kutil-kutil ini tidak lagi tumbuh. Karena tentunya Dede ingin menjalani hidupnya sebagaimana orang normal lainnya,” kata dr Rachmat.

Direktur Utama RSHS, dr Cissy Rachiana Sudjana pada kesempatan tersebut juga menyatakan terima kasih atas perhatian Depkes, Dinkes serta bangga dengan hasil operasi tim dokter RSHS. Tak lupa ia juga menyatakan terima kasih untuk media yang juga turut membantu Dede melalui publikasinya.

Disinggung biaya yang dihabiskan untuk pengobatan dan perawatan Dede? Dr Cissy mengatakan, , selama 9 bulan dirawat dan beberapa kali menjalani operasi, sudah dihabiskan dana sebanyak Rp 500 juta lebih. Dari jumlah tersebut, Rp 340 juta dihabiskan untuk membeli peralatan yang membantu dalam proses operasi atau pengangkatan kutil Dede. “Meski cukup besar untuk peralatan, tapi kan alat ini bisa menjadi investasi dan berguna untuk kepentingan operasi lainnya,” kata Cissy

Terkait kabar bahwa biaya sebesar Rp 500 juta tersebut belum sepeser pun dicairkan oleh Departemen Kesehatan RI, Cissy menanggapi bahwa biaya bukannya belum turun, tapi sedang dalam proses. “Biaya ini memang ditanggung, tapi bukan berarti belum turun dananya, kan harus direkap dan dilaporkan. Sekarang sedang proses,” tandasnya. (TRIBUN JABAR/tif)

Jobs Open

I visited Communication Business College in Kawasaki City, about two hours by train from Tokyo, last December 2007 and I found the Information board that announced Job Opportunities for student. Jobs are open for who have not able to speak Japanese, who are able to speak and who are able to speak and to read Japanese. It heard that for arbaito ( part timer job) get around 1000 yen per hour pay. While in every public place is also available free different magazinesnohon-no-image-065.jpg that publish thousand job opportunities in all over of Tokyo and Japan as well.

Yoko Onno & John Lennon

nohon-no-image-085.jpgJapanese people still love John Lennon and Onno. They express their love by holding annually public concert in Tokyo recently. The concert usssually performes  all John’s populair songs himself and the song sang by the Beatles. Thousands Japanese were coming to this concernt and Onno was the star too.

Dewi Soekarno Will Never Forgive Suharto


 The Japanese widow of Indonesia’s founding president Sukarno says she will never forgive his successor Suharto for his repression, and has likened him to Pol Pot.
Suharto seized power from Sukarno in 1965-66 and ruled with an iron fist for another three decades.
“I don’t want to lash out at a dead man but I cannot forgive Suharto,” Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno, Sukarno’s third wife said.
“He was Indonesia’s Pol Pot,” she said, referring to the late leader of Cambodia’s genocidal Khmer Rouge.
Dewi, a former bar hostess born as Naoko Nemoto, married Sukarno at age 19 in 1962 after he was charmed by her on a state visit to Tokyo.
After Sukarno died under house arrest in 1970, she returned to Japan where she has become a television personality and runs a jewellery and cosmetics business.
Despite Indonesia’s economic progress under Suharto, his tenure was marked by repression, from the killings of at least 500,000 communists and their sympathisers from 1966, to invading East Timor and quelling separatist movements in Aceh and Papua.
Dewi blamed Suharto both for the death of her husband, “the man who declared independence and became Indonesia’s first president,” and for the mass killings around the country.
“Although he had a soft face, he could be cruel and heartless at the same time,” she said.
“You could not tell what he was like on the inside.
“What he said and what he did were two different things.”
She scolded Suharto for not making court appearances late in his life to answer corruption charges, citing illness.
“Even today, many Indonesians suffer from that legacy and the income gap continues to widen,” Dewi said.
“He ended his life living among friends,” she said.
“I think he was a very lucky man.”


Dewi Soekarno Fujin 2


It seems that Dewi Soekarno Fujin found her carrier in the entertainment arena. She sometimes appears on several Japanese TV stations in different program, such us quiz, adventure, and other specific typical Japanese TV program. She is welknown in Japan and Indonesia because she was one of the wives of the Late first President of Republic Indonesia Soekarno. But currently She was also known because the controversial nude photos of Madame de Suga.