Vice President Jusuf Kalla & Spouse

I don’t think they were sitting in the wheelchairs
 Indonesia Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, according to Forbes is one of the 40 Indonesian richest. Here are all the names:
Aburizal Bakrie & family,Sukanto Tanoto,R. Budi Hartono,Michael Hartono,Eka Tjipta Widjaja & family,Putera Sampoerna & family,Martua Sitorus,Rachman Halim & family,Peter Sondakh,Eddy William Katuari & family,Anthoni Salim & family,
Mochtar Riady & family,Murdaya Poo,Arifin Panigoro & family,Hary Tanoesoedibjo,Trihatma Haliman,Sjamsul Nursalim & family,Chairul Tanjung,Paulus Tumewu,Prajogo Pangestu,Soegiharto Sosrodjojo & family,Sutanto Djuhar & family,
Hadi Surya,Aksa Mahmud,Harjo Sutanto & family,Soegiarto Adikoesoemo & family,Husein Djojonegoro & family,
Kartini Muljadi,Edwin Soeryadjaya,Jusuf Kalla,Tan Kian,Ciputra,Bambang Trihatmodjo,George & Sjakon Tahija,Kris Wiluan,Eka Tjandranegara & family,Alim Markus & family,Husein Sutjiadi,Jakob Oetama,Boenjamin Setiawan
JAKARTA, June 1 (UPI) — More than 176 million Indonesians will be eligible to vote in their presidential poll, in which incumbent Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will face two challengers.Andi Nurpati, a member of the country’s election commission, said Sunday of the 176.36 million eligible voters, about 175.2 million were at home and the rest were overseas, Antara news agency reported.

Indonesia’s total population of over 240 million makes it the fourth largest country in the world after China, India and the United States. The elections are set for July 8 and campaigning is set to start Tuesday.

One of Yudhoyono’s challengers will be Megawati Soekarnoputri, whom he defeated in the 2004 runoff elections. The other challenger is Jusuf Kalla.

The July 8 polling will be the second time the country’s president and vice-president will be elected by popular vote.

A spokesman for Yudhoyono’s campaign said the Democratic Party and its coalition partners will mainly highlight the president’s achievements during his first term, the Jakarta Post reported.

China Facts & Figures

By the end of 2007, China had 370 million fixed-line subscribers and 530 million mobile subscribers
Online shopping in China topped 59.4 billion yuan (8.2 billion dollars) in 2007
Number of Internet users in China hits 210 million: govt. AFP
101,480 people died in workplace and transportation accidents in 2007.
China has nearly 160 million motor vehicles. Jan. 2008
China has 47 million bloggers and 72.82 million blogs, though only 28.75 million blogs are active, China has 37 million more males than females
China has 345,000 millionaires:
China has More Than 2.6 million websites.
China has 162 million Internet users in 2007 (132 million Internet users in 2006).
China now has 97 million broadband users.
China has about 440 million mobile phone users.
The number of new HIV/AIDS infections in China was about 70,000 in 2005, with 25,000 deaths reported across the country.
Population hits 1.30756 bln by 2005: Survey.
China has 20 million bloggers.
China’s online sales to top 51 bln yuan in 2007
Economy Grew 9.9% in 2005, Statistics .
China to have over 440 mln mobile phone users
Total number of journalists in China: 700,000.
By June 30, about a quarter of China’s 123 million Internet users were regularly engaged in on-line shopping, 50 percent more than the same time last year.
More than 89,000 killed on China’s roads in 2006
China’s 2006 natural disasters killed over 3,000
The number of China-made movies reached 330 in 2006, up 27 percent over the previous y

Indonesia China Partnership

Makalah pada Seminar pelantikan anggota Perhimpunan Persahabatan Indonesia China Jawa Barat
Bandung 7 September 2007
Oleh : Ali Syarief

Perselisihan dagang antara Indonesia dan China yang sedang berlangsung saat ini, justru akan berakhir dengan peningkatan dagang yang samakin produktif di waktu yang akan datang. Hal ini disebabkan karena masing-masing pihak pada akhirnya akan menyadari bahwa ada beberapa pertimbangan yang tidak bisa nereka abaikan begitu saja, seperti perjalanan perdagangan saat ini, besarnya resources kedua Negara, tingginya pertumbuhan ekonomi dan jumlah pasar atau consumer dikedua Negara yang luar biasa besar. Sementara faktor faktor geografis, historis dan etnisitas, menjadi lem perekat atau “huang xi” dalam perjalanan hubungan dagang bilateral ini.
Keyakinan itu tumbuh seiring dengan beberapa tools diplomasi dagang kedua negara mulai akan dimainkan, seperti rencana kunjungan tim dagang Indonesia yang mewakili institusi perdagangan terkait di tanah air ke Beijing awal September yang akan datang, untuk membicarakan standarisasi foods dan noon foods. Inilah outcome sekaligus solusi perselisihan dagang yang saat ini sedang menghangat. Karena itu kehawatiran akan terjadi perang dagang, sebagaimana yang dinyatakan oleh Wapres Jusuf Kalla, sebenarnya disamping tidak perlu dirisaukan, istilah perang dagang itu sendiri tidak tepat. Situasi memanas dan konflik dagang kedua Negara, bukanlah “Perang”, akan tetapi lebih kepada sense of emosional dan dinamika dagang itu sendiri. Disadari atau tidak para saudagar itu sebenarnya tiap hari ber “Perang”!. Itulah nature of the business. “Kepentingan” masing masing menjadi di atas segalanya. Dalam dunia dagang, kawan bisa jadi lawan, atau sebaliknya. Bahkan yang haram sekalipun tidak mustahil bisa saja kemudian di mudharatkan sehingga hukumnya menjadi boleh. Percayalah arogansi kedua Negara dalam menyikapi larang melarang saat ini, akan segera berkahir, karena itu hanya konflik sesaat saja, sebab pokok persoalannya yaitu hanya untuk memperkuat posisi tawar masing masing negara.
Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Indonesia melarang produk permen asal China beredar di Indonesia. Alasannya, hasil penyelidikan BPOM menunjukan permen produk China itu mengandung formalin dan dianggap berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Sementara, Pemerintah China melarang import makanan laut asal Indonesia karena dituduh mengandung merkuri dan cadmium, logam, serta nitrofpural. Namun demikian dalam suasana seperti sekarang ini, sebenarnya antusias para pelaku dagang kedua Negara masih tetap tinggi. Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) di Beijing misalnya, rata-rata menerima 30-50 permintaan kontak dagang dari pengusaha China yang ingin mencari berbagai produk atau investasi dengan pengusaha Indonesia. Berbagai produk dan jasa yang diminati pengusaha atau investor China berbagai macam ragam, seperti mebel, barang-barang kerajinan, bahan-bahan makanan, hingga bahan-bahan tambang seperti nikel.
Sebenarnya neraca perdagangan Indonesia China masih timpang, dimana Export Indonesia jauh lebih besar. Perdagangan China dan Indonesia selalu defisit bagi China. Berdasarkan laporan Dubes RI di China, dari sudut pandang perdagangan luar negeri China,saat ini Indonesia merupakan negara tujuan ekspor urutan ke-17 dengan nilai 2,66 miliar dollar AS atau 1,03 persen dari total ekspor China yang mencapai nilai 258,21 miliar dollar AS. Indonesia juga menjadi negara asal impor ke-17 bagi China dengan nilai ekspor 3,44 miliar dollar AS atau 1,30 persen dari total impor China yang mencapai nilai 264,95 miliar dollar AS. Potensi perdagangan antara Indonesia dan China masih sangat besar. Berbagai peluang mulai dari industri hingga pariwisata masih belum banyak dioptimalkan oleh kalangan dunia usaha Indonesia. Tapi aksi mogok masih menjadi momok bagi China yang akan berinvestasi di Indonesia. Menteri Perdagangan Mari E Pangestu dalam pertemuan yang diadakan Kamar dagang dan Industri Komite Tiongkok (KIKT) dengan sejumlah pengusaha di kota Nanning, China, mengatakan secara umum nilai perdagangan Indonesia-China masih kecil dibandingkan dengan negara ASEAN lain. Nilai perdagangan antara Indonesia dan China tahun lalu sekitar 10 miliar dollar AS, sementara negara ASEAN seperti Malaysia telah mencapai 20 miliar dollar AS. Saat ini ekspor Indonesia masih didominasi oleh hasil alam seperti gas, karet, pulp, dan crude palm oil (CPO). Untuk itu, potensi lain harus digarap sehingga bisa menjadi produk ekspor ke China, seperti pasir besi dan batu bara.
Dedi Wijaya, yang akan dilantik menjadi ketua Perhimpunan Persahabatan Indonesia China Chapter Jawa Barat awal September ini mengatakan bahwa, “organisasi yang dipimpinnya disamping ingin diarahkan untuk mempererat silaturahmi kedua bangsa ini, juga supaya dapat memelihara iklim dan suasana dagang menjadi lebih kondusif, dan terus menerus melakukan pembelajaran hal-hal yang positif bagi kedua bangsa ini”. Kita banyak salah kaprah atau mungkin tidak faham sama sekali mengenai “China” saat ini. China dalam benak kita, adalah Negara tirai besi berfaham komunisme seperti faham komunisme yang ada dalam benak kita, yaitu yang telah terkontaminasi oleh perisitiwa pertumpahan darah sejarah komunisme di Indonesia tahun 1965. Fakta dilapangan justru berbeda. Kita akan terperangah melihat realitas China saat ini. Hongkong misalnya. Ia dibiarkan tumbuh alami setelah lepas dari koloni Inggris, sehingga kemudian dikenal dengan istilah dua China. Di Shianghai, anda akan terkejut saat mengetahui bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan besar, terutama yang bergerak dalam bisnis Telekomunkasi, justru milik orang-orang Taiwan. Ini artinya dispute Politik tidak serta merta identik dengan dunia ekonomi dan atau bisa juga sebaliknya. Lebih mengejutkan lagi, bukan tipu muslihat atau sulap, kalau anda bisa mendapat tiga atau empat buah Rolex made in China (tiruan) hanya dalam harga seratus yuan.
Coba kita telaah dari salah satu aspek saja, Penduduk. China memiliki 1.3 Miliar orang dan Indonesia 246 juta orang. Filosfi orang China, peluang dan rezeki itu terbuka ditempat orang banyak. Jadi tentunya, Indonesia seyogyanya lebih menarik, jika dibandignkan dengan Australia yang hanya memiliki 21 juta orang, atau Malaysia dengan 24 juta pendududuknya. Sebaliknya bagi Indonesia, China lebih chalenging karena jumlah penduduk yang besar itu. Tetapi dalam kenyataan ekspor Malaysia ke China lebih besar dua kali lipat dari Indonesia.
Sekilas gambaran tadi member isyarat kepada kita bahwa Komunisme di China, tidak sepeti apa yang ada dalam benak kita. Toh masyarakat Islam di China tetap pesat berkembang, liberalisasi perdagangan dalam negeri tetap berjalan mulus, perkembangaan ekonomi tumbuh secara signifikan, life style orang China tetap fashionable, perkembangan dalam bidang SDM, pemerintah China sangat revolusioner dengan mendorong masyarakatnya belajar di Negara negara maju. Mereka yang mengantongi skill dan gelar akademik, lebih senang pulang ke China ketimbang bekerja di Negara dimana mereka sekolah, karena Pemerintah China memberi insentif dan reward yang tinggi kepada mereka. Produk barangnya dikenal dengan harga yang sangat murah. Bukan hanya produk China yang membanjiri keseluruh pelosok bumi ini tetapi etnis China juga ada dimana-mana, inilah yang disinyalir oleh John Naisbitt, dalam Megatrends, benar adanya. Akan tetapi Rosul Muhammad SAW, 14 abad yang lalu mengatakan; “belajarlah walau hingga ke negeri China”.
Dari sekilas ilustrasi diatas tersebut ada pembelajaran yang baik kita simak, seperti yang sempat saya tanyakan kepada Prof. Huang dari 4 stones Institute Beijing, kenapa China menganut faham Komunisme?, dia menjawab; “ dengan 1.3 milyar penduduknya, maka tidak akan ada China kalau tidak dengan Komunisme”. Selanjutnya kebijakan ideology telah diimplementasikan kedalam berbagai kebijakan politik untuk membangun China dengan baik, sehinga ekonomi berkembang, rakyat semakin sejahtera, korupsi hampir hilang, dan qualitas hidup rakyatnya meningkat, keseriusan semua pihak dalam segala hal, pimpinan Negara yang amanah telah membawa China seperti saat ini.

Larry King VS Tukul


I do not want to compare who is the best interviewer, but the
Tukul’s 4 Mata Show has created of a new paradigm of Interviewer
theory as developed by Larry King’s program which was watched by more
than 40.000 people in all over the world. While Tukul’s 4 Mata
Program is mostly viewed  by Indonesian. King’s Live is interesting
because the interviewer is in the position equal with whosoever
interviewees. Even sometimes King is shown like an interrogator,
while ” Tukul’s 4 Mata” the interviewer is set in the contrary of
interviewees. I mean that  Tukul’s question is sometimes out
of the issue. This is the point of Tukul’s
4 Mata show attracts large response from Indonesian  audience.
 CNN’s Larry King Live, the first worldwide phone-in TV talk show – was celebrating his 50th year in broadcasting in 2007. The Emmy Award-winning host of CNN’s highest-rated program, King has been dubbed “the most remarkable talk-show host on TV ever” by TV Guide and “master of the mike” by TIME magazine.
Larry King Live debuted on CNN in June 1985, featuring its now-famous mix of celebrity interviews, political debates and topical discussions. When King made the transition from his successful national radio talk show to cable, he helped define the future of cable news programming and CNN. Telecast each weeknight at 9 p.m. (ET), the program features phone calls and e-mails from viewers around the world. In June 1994, King created the first daily radio/TV talk show by simulcasting CNN’s Larry King Live on Mutual/Westwood One radio stations nationwide.
King has done more than 40,000 interviews throughout his half century in broadcasting, including exclusive sit-downs with every U.S. president since Gerald Ford. King’s famed NAFTA debate between then-Vice President Al Gore and Ross Perot in 1993 smashed cable industry ratings records and obtained the highest rating in CNN history – reaching more than 16.3 million viewers. In 1995, King showcased his extraordinary skill in international arena when he hosted a historic hour on the Middle East Peace process with PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, King Hussein of Jordan and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. King’s award-winning jailhouse interviews include convicted murderers Sante Kimes and her son, Kenneth; Karla Faye Tucker, the first woman to be executed in Texas; and Mike Tyson.
After Hurricane Katrina hit the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2005, Larry King Live broadcast for 20 consecutive nights. His post-disaster programming included interviews with more than 250 guests and a live, three-hour network special “How You Can Help.” During the 2003 Iraq invasion, King hosted live shows for 29 consecutive nights. A very small sampling of the people he interviewed during that historic period includes Gens. Richard Myers and Hugh Shelton, Queen Noor of Jordan and ambassadors from Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Syria and Turkey. After the Sept. 11 attacks, King interviewed more than 700 guests, including more than 35 world leaders and dignitaries. In 2000, King’s 37 consecutive days of political coverage during the election recount in Florida featured 348 guests, including George W. and Laura Bush and Al and Tipper Gore. His pre-election coverage for 2000 included the first interviews with each party’s newly-selected vice presidential candidates.
For 50 years, King has consistently made headlines with such high-profile guests as Tony Blair, Marlon Brando, George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush, President George W. Bush and Laura Bush, Johnny Carson, Jimmy Carter and Roslyn Carter, Bill Clinton and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bette Davis, Sammy Davis Jr., Mark “Deep Throat” Felt, Gerald Ford and Betty Ford, Jackie Gleason, Mikhail Gorbachev, Billy Graham, Audrey Hepburn, Bob Hope, L.Ron Hubbard, Michael Jordan, Bobby Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Jr., Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ken Lay, Monica Lewinsky, Madonna, Sir Paul McCartney, Richard Nixon and Pat Nixon, Al Pacino, Marianne Pearl, Prince, Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan, Eleanor Roosevelt, Pete Rose, Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand, Martha Stewart, Elizabeth Taylor, Margaret Thatcher, Oprah Winfrey and Malcolm X.
Described as the “Muhammad Ali of the broadcast interview,” King has been inducted into five of the nation’s leading broadcasting halls of fame and is the recipient of the prestigious Allen H. Neuharth Award for Excellence in Journalism. Both his radio and television shows have won the George Foster Peabody Award for Excellence in Broadcasting. King has won a News and Documentary Emmy Award for Outstanding Interview/Interviewer and 10 CableACE awards for Best Interviewer and for best Talk Show Series. King won the prestigious Gracie Allen Award twice by American Women in Radio and Television for his interviews with Melanie Bloom, widow of NBC’s David Bloom (2006), and Nellie Connally, a former Texas first lady (2002). Larry King Live was also awarded the Genesis Award from the Humane Society of the United States in 2006 for Outstanding Talk Show. In 2002, King received two New York Festival Awards for his Sept. 11 coverage and for his interview with Sir Paul McCartney. King was also selected to be an Olympic Torch bearer for the 2002 Winter Games. King received the Unity Award for excellence in public affairs, reporting on minority issues from Lincoln University of Missouri and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Public Service Award for his programming on depression in 2001. King was also crowned Bacchus XXXIII at the 2001 Mardi Gras in New Orleans and was presented the key to the city. In 2000, King received Harvard University’s Mahoney Award for increasing public awareness about neuroscience and the March of Dimes’ Franklin Delano Roosevelt Award for his efforts on behalf of community volunteerism. (CNN Source)

What Animal Are You?

The twelve zodiac signs
( You don’t have to believe it)

These are the result of zoning time and direction into twelve blocks, each block being given a name of an animal based on the ancient Chinese concept that all time shifts based on these twelve units. In Japan, zoning of the twelve-year cycle, with a different animal in each zone is fairly common.

Those individuals born during a particular year were said to inherit some of the personalities of that year’s animal.

Rat — Born 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924, 1912
People born in the year of the Rat are charming, honest, ambitious, and have a tremendous capacity for pursing a course to its end. They will work hard for their goals. They are easily angered but maintain an outward show of control.

Ox — Born 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925, 1913
People born in the year of the Ox are patient, mentally alert and when required to speak are skilful. They have a gift for inspiring confidence in others. This allows them to achieve a great deal of success.

Tiger — Born 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926, 1914
People born in the year of the Tiger are sensitive, stubborn, short-tempered, courageous, selfish and slightly mean … yet they are deep thinkers and are capable of great sympathy for those they are close to and love.

Rabbit — Born 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927, 1915
People born in the year of the Rabbit are the most fortunate. They are smooth talkers, talented, ambitious, virtuous and reserved. They have exceedingly fine taste and regarded with admiration and trust.

Dragon — Born 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928, 1916
People born in the year of the Dragon are healthy, energetic, excitable, short-tempered and stubborn. However, they are honest, sensitive, brave and can inspire trust in most anyone. They are the most peculiar of the 12 signs of the Zodiac cycle.

Snake — Born 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929, 1917
People born in the year of the Snake are deep thinkers, speak very little and possess tremendous wisdom. They are fortunate in money matters and will always be able to obtain it. They are determined in what they do and hate to fail.

Horse — Born 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930, 1918, 1906
People born in the year of the Horse are skilful in paying compliments and talk too much. They are skilful with money and handle finances well. They are quick thinkers, wise and talented. Horse people anger easily and are very impatient.

Sheep — Born 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931, 1919, 1907
People born in the year of the Sheep are elegant, highly accomplished in the arts, passionate about nature. At first glance, they seem to be better off than the people born in other years. They are deeply religious and passionate in whatever they do and believe in.

Monkey — Born 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932, 1920, 1908
People born in the year of the Monkey are the erratic geniuses of the Zodiac cycle. They are clever and skilful in grand-scale operations and are smart when making financial deals. They are inventive, original and are able to solve the most difficult problems with ease.

Rooster — Born 2005, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933, 1921, 1909
People born in the year of the Rooster are deep thinkers and are always busy and devoted to their work. They always want to do more than they are able, and if they undertake a task beyond their abilities, they are disappointed. Rooster people have a habit of speaking out directly whenever they have something on their minds.

Dog — Born 2006, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934, 1922, 1910
People born in the year of the Dog have all the fine qualities of human nature. They have a sense of duty and loyalty, they are extremely honest and always do their best in their relationship with other people. Dog people inspire confidence in others and know how to keep secrets.

Boar — Born 2007, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935, 1923, 1911
People born in the year of the Boar are brave. They have tremendous inner strength which no one can overcome. They display great honesty. They are short-tempered, yet hate to quarrel or have arguments. They are affectionate and kind to their loved ones.