Still Don’t Understand What Pancasila is

Habibie made mention of a number of reasons for the “disappearance” of the bases of the State Philosophy Pancasila which had been proclaimed/enunciated ion 1 June 1945. Among them were the systematic and massive mystification and ideologisation of Pancasila which occurred in the New Order Era. It was even the case that during that period the bases of the State Philosophy were used asan ideological weapon to launch vigorous attacks on sections of the Community which were not like-minded with the government.

The interpretation of the Pancasila was monopolized by those in power. The result of all this was that after the implementation of Reformation there was a tendency for the Pancasila to be forgotten. A proportion of the Community developed an allergy for the Pancasila because they regarded it as the possession of the New Order. In fact the National philosophy which is at the same time the foundation of the State, is not the possession of just one regime but rather the possession of us all.

It could well be that the view of Pak Habibie is correct. But the point of view I wish to put forward is that our mindset has been wrong from the beginning. It is not the Pancasila which is wrong or not good and valuable but rather our understanding of the Pancasila which has floed from and been distilled from the thoughts of the Creators/Designers of the Pancasila. This means the value system which is in our individual minds versus the value system which is in the minds of the People themselves. This means that perfect ideals are compares/contrasted as if they are in the minds of our Leaders who declare that the Pancasila is increasingly distant from the life of the Community/People. Clearly to measure/evaluate the living values against the dreaming values.

What is the explanation for us to be so far distant from the lives of People in relation to our interpretation of the Pancasila? If I adhere to the principle of Belief in the Unity of Almighty God by divine decree by only 10% have I not yet committed myself/dedicated myself to the Pancasila? If the Community only carries out the principle of Acting in a humane just and civilized manner to the extent of 5%, does that show something is wrong? If there is a Province which wishes to secede from NKRI (the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia does that show a reverence for or dedication to the Pancasila or otherwise? In the event that we choose Voting instead of Consultation is that contrary to the spirit of the Pancasila? If the sentiment of social justice is not yet spread evenly across the community are such People outside the ambit of Pancasila?

The reality outlined above represents the living values which are then directed to a quality of life which is in accordance with the perfect ideals as sealed/contained in the Principles of the Pancasila. As to what represent the perfect ideals. Let us each move to an understanding of this in accordance with the framework of our own thinking and our Field of or Life Experiences

Is it true that the 1945 Constitution and the Pancasila are the foundations of the Republic of Indonesia? Since the Proclamation of Independence we have experienced constant turmoil which has resulted in the shedding of much blood. This is the product of our Constitution. In the end Bung Karno was overthrown. Pak Harto was finally slid out of the way. Pak Habibie was rejected by his own Party. Gus Dur managed to hang on to the position of President until he was impeached. Megawati’s partnership with Hamzah Hazz was broken. They both wanted to take over the position of President. SBY and JK “divorced” Because they both wanted to be President. Now Vice-President Boediono is considered to have failed Because he cannot work and cooperate harmoniously as was the case with JK. In fact when JK was Vice-President his functions were overlapping with the President.

Just think if the basis of the Republic of Indonesia was a strong Community Economy. The orientation of our Nation would be focused on the strength of the economic underpinnings as the foundation of our State. Because a powerful state depends very much on the economic power of the People. When the Community Economy is strong the foundations of the State are correspondingly strong and steadfast. When the foundations are so strong the development of the State above it is correspondingly strong and steadfast. In such a situation the values of the Pancasila will be more meaningful and will the more easily be applied or brought into reality by the People. We can understand that the root cause of the problems our Nation faces finally can be classified/accumulated as economic problems whether they represent injustice or need.

Let us use as a benchmark China and San Min Chui. The first Minzu frees the nation from foreign domination and opposes the nationalism of tribalism. The second principle of Minquan is Democracy that is the principle of power of the People, a Nation governed by the power of the People. Whilst the third principle is Minsheng that is the principle of welfare. How terrific this was in the communist political system. Dr Sun Yat Sen applied these three principles in a simple and strategic way with the result that in the end China became the world power it is today.

France also has three principles Liberty Equality and Fraternity to the extent that that Nation has become a very elegant one on the face of the Earth.

The United States of America with its Declaration of Independence has brought that Nation to the status of Super Power and gives inspiration to all the Peoples of the World.
Whether it is in the United States or China or France we never hear their Leaders repeatedly giving speeches exhorting the Community to be virtuous in implementing those three principles, except in Indonesia.

Kirim Paket A’la Indonesia

Karena selalu ingin up date tentang apa yang terjadi di Jepang, kemudian saya mencari majalah yg saya perlukan, supaya bisa kemudian berlangganan dan dapat dikirim ke rumah. Berlangsunglah hingga setengah tahun, tetapi kemudian saya ingin mengubah nama saya, dalam alamat yang dituju, untuk tidak mencantumkan gelar akademik, cukup Ali Syarief, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi Bandung, dan saya menulis perubahan itu kepada distributornya di Tokyo Jepang.

Betapa terkejutnya, ketika majalah tersebut telah berubah nama saya dengan tidak menggunakan gelar akademik sesuai dengan keinginan, tetapi alamat yang tercantum, salah. Ia dialamatkan kepada Ali Syarief di Jalan Asia Afrika-Bandung. Majalah yang sama. Pengirimnya di Indonesia, adalah kantor Pos kita.

Saya kagum. Koq bisa terjadi seperti ini.

Dalam suatu kesempatan, saya bertemu dengan Direktur SDM nya PT Pos Indonesia itu, lalu saya menyampaikan kekaguman tersebut kepadanya sambil memberi jabatan tangan. Pak Direktur tersenyum mendengar ucapan saya tersebut, tetapi seperti agak kurang nyaman dengan ucapan itu. Lalu dia berkata kepada saya; “saya justru sedih Pak Ali, karena petugas Pos itu begitu hafalnya kepada nama-nama yang tercantum dalam setiap surat/kiriman2 khusus, jadi kalau dia pensiun, kami akan kerepotan. Sesungguhnya kami belum punya system yang baik”.

Kasus lain, di ceritakan oleh teman German saya, yang lama juga telah tinggal di Indonesia. Di sebuah Café, Bandung utara, dia menjelaskan ketika ingin mengirim paket berupa baju batik, untuk cucunya yang berada di Zwickau German.

Karena paket itu, harus di terima pada hari tertentu, jadi paket yang ia kirimkan itu, ia pantau melalui internet. Betapa schocknya, paket itu tidak pernah beranjak dari kota Bandung, padahal hampir dead line, baju batik itu harus di pakai oleh cucunya di German. Tentu saja teman saya itu murka atas kejadian ini.

Tetapi sadar akan dirinya berada di Indonesia, lalu ia harus menahan diri, dan cukup dengan mengusap dada.

Namun, pada hari dimana cucunya harus mengenakan batik itu, ia sangat terkejut lagi, ternyata batik yang dia kirimkan, sudah di pakai oleh si Cucunya itu, ia melihat melalui photo yang ia terima dari internet.