Indonesia Aneh

Hanya terjadi di Indonesia, yang terlibat Kasus Bail Out Bank Century adalah Gubnernur BI Boediono (Pemerintahan SBY 1), tetapi yang mau di ancam dilengserkan adalah Wapres Boediono (Pemerintahan SBY 2).

Hanya terjadi di Indonesia, dalam system parlementer Pemilunya diikuti oleh peserta perseorangan dan ormas. Pemilu 1955 diikuti 172 kontestan terdiri dari sekian puluh partai, sekian puluh perorangan, sekian puluh organisasi non partai. Ini terjadi jaman Bung Karno.

Hanya terjadi di Indonesia, dalam system parlementer, partai yang bukan penguasa yaitu PDI dan PPP, tidak menjadi Partai Oposisi. Mereka hanya menjadi pelengkap seolah-olah demokrasi.  Ini terjadi jaman Orbanya Pak Harto.

Hanya terjadi di Indonesia, Presiden BJ Habibie tidak diterima laporan pertnggung jawabannya oleh Partainya sendiri, yaitu Golkar.

Hanya terjadi di Indonesia, dalam system parlementer Gusdur, berhasil menjadi Presiden RI dari Partai yang kecil, PKB,  bukan partai pemenang pemilu!.

Hanya terjadi di Indonesia, dalam system Presidential, dibentuk partai koalisi dan terbentuk partai  oposisi. Ini sedang terjadi saat ini, era SBY.

Hanya terjadi di Indonesia, Aburizal Bakri mengatakan;”Pengabdian kepada Golkar adalah Pengabdian kepada Rakyat”, demikian pernyataan yang aneh, dan di amini oleh tokoh-tokoh Golkar. Padahal dalam system presidential rakyat tidak memilih Partai Politik.

Hanya terjadi di Indonesia, SBY melakukan Pertemuan, baru-varu ini, di Cikeas adalah koordinasi rutin antara SBY dengan anggota Fraksi PD DPR. Pertemuan membahas tugas, fungsi, pokok anggota PD yang ada di legislatif,” jelas Andi Nurpati, Ketua Bidang Komunikasi Publik DPP PD. Dalam system Presidential, rakyat memilih orang perorang, tidak ada lagi kaiatnnya dengan Parai politik, ketika seseorang telah menjadi anggota legsilatif.

Hanya terjadi di Indonesia, dalam system Presidential, dimana rakyat memilih orang perorang, tetapi di DPR ada perwakilan Partai Politik, fraksi-fraksi. Siapa yang memilih Parpol ya?

Hanya apalagi yg terjadi di negeri ini?

Fighting For God

I can not write down “Gods”, otherwise will againts the belief of most of the people in this world.  Years ago I read the news in Malaysia that there were some Churches were burned down by Islamic or fundamentalist group because they (Christian) called “Allah” to their God, I said; “ Oh my God”, what ‘s wrong? God, a holly name of the supreme creator, is well known by every civilisation but the names of vary depending on the place and feeling of the local people.

My Frien who is a Javanese, called Him Gusti Allah. While  Balinese who are Hindu, called Him “ Sangyang Widiwase or Dewata”, Timorese called Maromak. Anyway a Sundanese like myself called “Gusti anu murbeng Alam”. Moses, Isa and Muhammad, who are well known called Prophets, introduced in their holly books such as Torah, Injil (the Bibble) and Qur”an for the same God as Elloi, Elloh or Allah.

Aramaic, the Semitic language, old language of the middle east, is used to describe a variety of languages spread over a vast area, today from Egypt to Iraq, and Turkey in the north. The Aramaic language was spoken as a means of communication for official business, diplomacy and as divine language by Assirians, Babylonians, Persians, Chaldeans, Jews and Syrians, and by all people in the middle east in ancient times.

Arabic, a Semitic language, and Hebrew, also a semitic language, are closed to Aramaic. Those three closely related expressed the subconsious feeling of the need a supreme power in ythe same way. Jews said “Elloi” or “Elloh”, that’s some time later changed to become “Ellohim” or “Yahwe” to as name of God. The Arab used “Allah” as the holy name of God. which was written down in the Qur’an. So the three peoples with similar languages expressed the same for the name of God. (Quoted from Sulityo Pujo- The Jakarta Post,1/25/2010).

How do we call to people who destroy Churches, Mosques or Synagogues or maybe other holy places as believer? The true believers should respect to other holly places as Muhammad even offer his mosques to Jewish People on their Journey to perform their prayers. Shalahudin Al Ayyubi ordered his followers to respect Churches and let them free because they were People of the Book (Ahli Kitab).

By the way, sometimes I contemplate that I have to change my thought on God as it lies in my mind as mostly people aslo think as they are now exist. Look at my friend who shared with me “that the existence of God because of us, without us there will be no God”.

Behind School Shooting in Connecticut USA

My American friend of mine wrote me, It is truly heartbreaking, the innocent lives lost forever before they even have a chance to live. The children left who now have to face this and deal with the pain and anguish

What is a learn that we can get from this, in order to avoid not to happen again in he future. That is the question that Americans are already in heated debate. Many American still have no answers. They will just hold their families and loved then a little closer

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Malaysia Again Against

As I read really bloody bullshit to what out going Malaysia Information Minister, Zaenudin Maidin, expressed his own wrong opinion on BJ Habibie’s visiting Datuk Anwar Ibrahim recently as it was published in the local media in Malaysia. Maidin said that Habibi was abusing his nation by let Timor Timur separated from Indonesia, and also let Indonesia has new 48 political parties instead of three parties, while other personal issues were also mentioned.

Malaysia’s opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim furious with his writing in the paper titled ‘Equation BJ Habibie with Anwar Ibrahim’, Zainuddin accused both as ‘The Dog Of Imperialism. According to Anwar Ibrahim, Zainuddin attitude is an example of arrogant leadership of UMNO, the ruling party in Malaysia, and media authorities that are not supported by the people.

But finally I understood that Habibi visit to Datuk Anwar Ibrahiem was worried  to influence  Malasysia authoritarian political sphere there.

To illustrate what Malaysia look like nowadays I have recently made travel to Malaysia and talked to the people there as here we go;

On my way back to Airport, I tried to find out  how the Indian Malaysian people express his own opinion on his country. He said; “ I am happy to be Malaysian citizen. There are no bad people here who want to topple top leaders, want to make problems to their country and ruin this country. But we need our leader to say nicely to the people. They need not to say anything to get people support in every election, just let us make more comfortable to live here in this country.

What did you mean? I asked him.

Why there is no Indian or Chinese in Malays Soccer team? Why there was tag in the Bank  like this “Bad list people will not get Bank loan but for Bumi Putra”. Why the price of rice is so high nowadays?  The government still watch people up to now. That’s why in the government organization the Malays people are dominated in number and position while Chinese and Indian are in the second class.

How about the justice in Malaysia?

The case of Anwar Ibrahim that was really a big lie. Its not true at all. This a political dispute not a justice, he added. Mr. Anwan Ibrahim wrote me “that’s why it has been people court”.

A Chinese Malaysian friend of mine who has same got scholarship  from Japanese government  wrote “As for problems, you may wish to check out publications or comments from overseas or 3rd party for more insight news.  Surely there is no government who will give bad comment on it’s own policies.  Look for a few sources to see what are happenings. Newspapers are not 100% reliable as media is “somewhat controlled” and no one will really get to see the truth.  Hence, we may need to think and get many opinions of the reliable sources to avoid any bias.  Use our heart and wisdom to see the truth too”.

Mr. Mahathir Muhammad has been asked to respond many human abuses to Indonesia maid. In very simple word he answered; “if they don’t like to work in Malaysia, don’t come here”.