Attitude to Christmas from point of view of a person of the Islamic Faith

By Ali Syarief

When I was small I was often taught, even told, to learn by heart concerning the Pillars of Faith/Belief and the Pillars of Islam. The Pillars of Faith/Belief such as Belief in God, in the Prophets before the Prophet Muhammad God bless him, the Sacred Books before the Qur’an, Belief in Angels, Belief in Divine Decree together with Belief in the Day of Judgment. Continue reading

Meyikapi Natal dari Aqidah ke Islaman

Oleh : Ali Syarief

Sewaktu kecil, sering di ajarkan bahkan disuruh menghafalkan, mengenai Rukun Iman dan Rukun Islam. Rukun Iman itu, Iman kepada Allah. Kepada para Nabi sebelum Muhammad SAW, Kitab Suci sebelum Al-qur’an, Iman Kepada adanya Malaikat, Iman kepada taqdir dan qadla sertya Iman kepada hari qiamat. Dogma ini, dengan mudah bisa kita tafsirkan, sejatinya “tidak ada agama yang sangat dan paling toleran kecuali Al-Islam”. Ini sikap dan pendapat saya, secara pribadi. Continue reading